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LAMINATED® PVC is a metal sheet with heat-coated zinc layers on both sides having a laminated PVC foil on the front side and a protective varnish on the back side.

The product is designed for anchoring and finishing elements of hydro-isolating roof systems on the PVC basis and for production of tinsmith elements. The type and the thickness of the metal sheet as well as the colour of PVC foil are made on customer’s request in sizes 1000 x 2000 mm and 1000 x 3000 mm with the thickness of 0.55 mm and 0.6 mm with the laminated PVC foil in colours RAL 7047, RAL 7012, RAL 7040 of the minimal thickness 0.6 mm.

The product has a high PVC layer resistance to climatic conditions and it keeps its flexibility and bendability also in low temperatures without any necessary surface adjustment or maintenance during its whole shelf life. It also has an outstanding adhesion of PVC foil to the metal sheet; it welds well with hydroisolation PVC foils. All common production procedures can be used for the metal processing (cutting, bending, shaping, hot-air welding). The colour of the foil can be changed on customer’s request.

Laminated metal sheets LAMINATED® are produced and evaluated in compliance with standards ČSN EN 10169+A1 and ČSN EN 14783.


Type marking:


Examples of product types:

LAMINATED® PVC 0,60/0,60x1000x2000mm  Zn 275 gr/m2

LAMINATED® PVC 0,60/0,60x1000x3000mm  Zn 275 gr/m2

LAMINATED® PVC 0,55x1000x2000mm Zn 150 gr/m2

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